Board of Directors Meeting: The board of directors met on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at the Lake City VFW at 6pm. There were 12 Lions and 2 guests attending.
Treaurers Account Balances 1/31/2025:
Acitivity Account: $ 440.49
Administration Account: $ 3,364.38
52 Club $ 1600.00
Aluminum Cans $ 3664.40
Fireworks fund $ 6,702.08
Fireworks CD $ 7,324.20
Club 52 CD $ 6,103.50
Mone3y Market $ 6,029.00
Club 52 Winners for December and January: $100 Bev Bantley twice, Tom Brown, Gary Schmidt, Curt Meyer, Vern Zimmerman twice, $500 Mike Glander
February Sweet Hearts Dinner: The regular February dinner meeting will be on Monday, feb 10 at the Lake City VFW.Social hour at 6pm, dinner meeting at 6:30 pm. You are encouraged to bring your sweetheart, wife, friend, neighbor, relative or anyone special to join us. There will be a guest speaker from the Lake City Historical society. Lion Ed has oredered up a special meal for us to entertain our sweethearts.Remember to rsvp to Lion John Mortenson 651-347-9268 by Friday to make sure we plan for enough meals.
Donation requests: The board received a number of requests for funds this month. The Great River Homes made a general request for funds, was denied due to our donation we give to their Golf Fund Raiser, Lake City Arts Council reuest was denied due to them not presenting a specific project. The board appoved 3 $750 scholarships for Lincoln High graduating seniors, the board approved $200 for the Friends of the Library for tables, the board approved $1000 per year for 5 years to the Lake City Schools scoreboard rplacement project.
Fireworks Fund: Lion Bruce Carlstrom gave a progress report on the Fireworks fund for the 4th of July. The committee will have to pay the selected vendor $19,000 deposit for this firewrks display by the first of March. The board approved the dispersal of the funds from the fireworks fund. The Fireworks committee is working hard to secure funds for the project and appreciate all the donations so far.
Club 52 Ticket Sales: The new tickets for this years raffle have been printed and will be available at the February meeting. I do have records of past sales, if you would like one of your past sale contacts, let me know Lion John Mortenson 651-347-9268
Social Media Report: Lion Robbie Smith is doing a great job getting our club to join the 21st Century with our participation in social media. Our Club has Face Book and Instagram accounts and would appreciate you looking at our Face Book and Instagram postings. The face book address is Lake City Lions Club-MN Why don't you look it up and give it a like and become a follower. Remember we also have a Web page where you can get our club informatuion. Thanks Lion Rbbie
One Sunday morning, the Lutheran pastor noticed Ole standing in the foyer of the church staring up at a large plaque. It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it.
The old Norwegian had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside Ole, and said quietly, 'Good morning Ole.'
'Good morning Pastor,' he replied, still focused on the plaque. 'Pastor, vat is dis?'
The pastor said, 'Well, it's a memorial to all the men and women who died in the service."
Soberly, they just stood together, staring at the large plaque.
Finally, Ole's voice, barely audible and trembling with fear asked, 'Vich service, da 8:30 or da 10:45?